This is my Blog post on the CAODS production of Charlie
and the Chocolate Factory the Musical which I saw at the
New Theatre Royal in Lincoln on Thursday 16th May 2024.
It was amazing, the cast were really good especially my
friends Billy Baxter as Wonka and Ash Betts as Mike
Teevee, I really liked on the TV in the television room
there were scenes from TV shows and films like Doctor
Who, Sister Act, national geographic, the moon landing,
MTV, Friends and Jurassic Park, I liked the music and
songs in the show like The Candy Man, If Your Father
Were Here, I’ve Got A Golden Ticket, It Must Be Believed
To Be Seen, the Entr’Acte, Pure Imagination, The View
From Here and the Exit Music and this is now my second
favourite production from CAODS 10/10.